Sep 4Liked by Amy Pigott

Really important to remember that we are influenced by the seasons as all animals are. Just because our society says we should be out every night in December or working flat out in January it doesn’t translate that our bodies can just adapt and deny millennia of evolution.

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Yes! Gosh I love this so much - it’s so true. We can try and fight it if we so wish but we cannot deny it! Our bodies know better than maybe our minds tell us sometimes.

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Hi Amy

This is an important topic, that most of us might think we know. Your paragraph on how to know where your boundaries are (or where they should perhaps be placed) was well said. I’m reading another book on this subject right now, and your post was a confirmation. Thank you!

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Thank you so much for this! What is the book you're reading? I would love to take a look ♥️

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