The Slow Living Collective
The Slow Living Collective
What happens when you end up home educating by accident?

What happens when you end up home educating by accident?

Home education is often portrayed as a very intentional choice but for many home educators they come to home education through need rather than initially through choice. So what happens when you end up home educating by accident?

Today I am joined by Karen, a mother of 2, with one child in the school system and one she home educates. She never set out to home educate but life has a funny way of shifting our paths in ways we never expect. Her family didn’t plan to home educate. They didn’t do all the research, buy the curriculum, or plot out lesson plans months in advance. Like many families, they stumbled into it because of circumstances, but it’s turned out to be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding choices they’ve made for their son. And all this combined with the fact that they educated their other child through the school system, where equally she has thrived too.

Karen has such a unique view, having a foot in both home education and traditional schooling too, and it’s so interesting to hear how she navigates both, along with how this accidental choice became such a positive route for her son.

Be sure to check out the episode here or by searching for The Slow Living Collective wherever you listen to your podcasts.

And don’t forget to follow Karen and her family as they continue to navigate home education, the end of school education and beyond. Oh and lots of cat spam too!

Find Karen on Instagram: @catskidschaos

Follow Karen’s Blog: Cats, Kids, Chaos

I’m thinking about Home Education, but where do I start?

Home education is unique as the child you are educating, so I don’t have any hard and fast tips (other than listen to this episode). I am still so early in our home ed journey too, that I love chatting with more seasoned home educators, like Karen.

Home education has honestly been eye-opening in the best possible way for us. The flexibility? Unreal. We get to start our day whenever it feels right, take breaks when we need them, and design learning that fit each of our kids' unique learning styles. The flexibility makes learning feel natural and fun, instead of rigid or forced — and it feels like a game-changer.

Spending more time together in a learning environment has deepened our family connection in such a meaningful way. I get to be there for those “lightbulb moments,” when something just clicks for them, and that’s a gift I didn’t see coming. There’s something so special about watching your kids grow, learn, and see the world through fresh eyes.

And the coolest part? Home education just gives us space to focus on life, whether it’s cooking together, gardening, time management and emotions. We’re not just raising students; we’re raising whole, well-rounded humans, and that feels pretty special to me.

Home education isn’t for everyone, of course, and school is absolutely the right environment for some children. You definitely won’t find any school or education hating here, but if you have been thinking about home education, what you will find here is the words and voices of those who have gone before.

I know for me, although it was always the natural choice, I still worry about whether I’ve made the right choice. I of course know I have, but I don’t think we’d be the best parents if we didn’t have those worries sometimes.

At the end of the day, home education has been such a gift—one I didn’t even realise we needed. It’s taught me that learning doesn’t have to follow a rigid path, and sometimes, the most beautiful moments come from slowing down and making space for what truly matters. Whether it’s the flexibility, the deeper connections we’ve formed, or the life skills we’re nurturing, I’ve come to realise that this journey is about so much more than academics. It’s about creating a life that feels aligned with who we are as a family, and that’s something I wouldn’t trade for anything. So if you’ve been on the fence about home education, just know that it can look like whatever you need it to be — and sometimes, the unexpected path ends up being the best one.

Be sure to check out Karen

Instagram: Catskidschaosblog


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The Slow Living Collective
The Slow Living Collective
Welcome to the slow living collective podcast, a podcast all about living a simple life, on your own terms. I’m Amy, a 30-something mama of two from the UK who is on a quest to live life on my own terms and step into my own authenticity. Listen in while I delve into slow, simple and seasonal living, pottering around my allotment garden, home educating my children outside of the school system, being intentional, embracing my life as a homemaker and not being afraid to share who I am.
Join me as we slow down, rest and dive into the nitty gritty topics of every day life.